Here is your April short story

The Adventures of the Basement Detectives

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  • 💥 Out now: The Viper

  • ✍️ The Adventures of the Basement Detectives

  • ❓️ Your monthly bookish quiz

  • 😇 The Arlington & McCurley deluxe hardcover edition

  • 📚️ Free books

Woot, The Viper is out now!

Yep, I released it early because I’m impatient. If you haven’t ordered it yet, tap on the image to get to your copy:

Huge thanks to Joe, BookishCaprice, and Kanwarpal for the very first reviews, and to the anonymous readers who gave this book all the stars on Amazon & Goodreads! I feel so honoured!

Your April short story is here!

Many thanks to sgcraig13, Debbie, michebano, Terry, Doris, bhymes127, and Amanda for your comments on our last poll! So here it is now, finally, The Adventures of the Basement Detectives. If you always wanted a cosy detective serial featuring a non-binary, autistic Watson and an empathic, cuddly Holmes — this is for you:

Click on the cover to get your ebook! The download link is valid until April 30.

While this short story is free for everyone in this community, all following short stories and polls will be exclusive for Backstage Shenanigans and Patreon members.

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Your monthly bookish quiz

I finally found a fun way to unload all the weird Victorian, criminology, medical, and forensics knowledge I gathered during my background research. Here’s the first quiz for you. The correct answer is at the very bottom of this email

It's 1880 and you accidentally stepped on a rusty nail as you escaped a pickpocket in Whitechapel. What will you do with that hole in your foot?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

A special Arlington & McCurley bundle

Maybe you remember from a few months ago when I asked everyone if they were interested in a special deluxe hardcover edition of an Arlington & McCurley Mysteries bundle with lots of pretty extras, and many of you loved the idea. Two weeks ago, I started working on illustrations and layout. Here’s a clip of the first piece:

Thank you for being here!

The correct answer to our monthly bookish quiz is:

Medicine in the Victorian era was lightyears away from what we know today. It would be decades before tetanus shots and antibiotics are developed. If you’ve washed the wound and kept it dry and clean, congrats to you because you probably didn’t die. Church: bad idea. Arsenic: bad idea. Hospital: might be a gamble.

But I’m in no way affiliated with the companies placing ads here, nor am I using their services.

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