Bada-boom: the votes are in!

A new mystery series, bookish art & more

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Our Favourite Genres

The votes are in! Many thanks to c_hirst, jessicawynn, and michkade for your comments on our poll! The favourite genres of our bookish shenanigans community are Detective/Mystery, followed by Historical Fiction, and LGBTQ+ Fiction.

And that’s pretty awesome because there’s a new detective series brewing in the back of my writerly brain, and I’m super stoked about it! I’ll tell you more about it in a couple of months or so, once I have a rough outline.

What’s happening at the Backstage Shenanigans?

Twenty-one chapters of The Viper are now published (there’ll be 25 in total, plus prologue and epilogue), and in a couple of weeks, the book will be sent out to everyone there who wants to be a beta reader. If you want to join and support my writing, consider upgrading your subscription today:

Bookish Art: Meet Pergudrys!

"Perkūnas" - thunder, symbolizing power and wisdom; "Gudrys" - cunning. Pergudrys is a creature who can change between his owl form and his dragonfly form. He is a character in The Girl Who Ran With Monsters, where all living beings have two shapes they can choose at will.

The original ink drawing and limited edition fine art prints are now available in my shop. Click on the image to get your piece of original art:

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